Having fun oneself The vacation of a lifetime: Hawaiian BBQ

With no pause

You immediately notice that Honolulu has a dearth of stop signs after you leave the parking lot. By pedestrian panels, they are swapped out. Only when there are pedestrians should you stop, but there aren't many red traffic lights to be seen.

 Before spotting one, you may travel a few dozen kilometers. Because of this, Oahu Island did not have much traffic. The speed limit varies from 15 to 45 miles per hour, although traffic is brisk. While not driving quickly, we don't stop. The streets are all quite winding and small, so there is a reason for that.

 Everyone desires to have the nicest view possible from their place of residence or business, which is a dilemma. I would also like to see a crystal-clear ocean from my office window.

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 Every angle reveals beauty.

 Water is therefore on one side, and buildings are on the other. on the ring road the entire way. You can walk right up to the water on the streets because there are no fences or railings. You may literally tour half the island without turning a single time, which is a benefit.

 On the small amount of waterfront real estate this island has to offer, every restaurant, shop, residence, and business coexist.

We'd leave in the morning. We headed out of the yard in that direction. It takes around an hour to travel nonstop to the island's farthest point. However, it took 12 hours because we made stops at every attraction on the island, including the beaches, concession stands, dining establishments, food trucks, parks, and shops. My sunglasses were even lost to a wave at 11:00. I had gotten my replacement pair by noon.

 There is proximity between all things. The fabric is really tight. We could observe that a lot of folks sold their backyards to enable someone else to own a home by the sea. Small lots are what most people have. 

The unfettered behaviour of wild hens

 Wildlife should also be observed. A bear or a deer are not present here. While thousands of wild hens physically roam the streets, parks, and parking lots, the opposite is also true. You must wait until they cross the street because they don't seem to be too stressed out by life. We encountered dogs, cats, horses, a donkey, pigs, chickens, ducks, turtles, and hens. All of them strolled in the middle of the road, doing as they liked. Having patience was our lesson.

 There is no doubt that the folks in this place are more patient than most.

 It's not incorrect to say that "aloha is a lifestyle." People will readily stop and let you pass if you wait to cross the street without giving them any advance warning. People will also often just stop to allow another automobile to pass, even though they are not required to do so because there are not many stops.

Just choose not to drive if you want to truly enjoy your island tour by car!

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